Students are required to attend all classes, tests and examinations and submit home works as required by teachers.
Late coming is contrary to discipline. We are very much concerned about it. To discourage the late coming, school gate will be closed at 8:00 am. No student(s) will be allowed to enter the school gate after that time.
School will not be responsible for students staying back after school hours. Parents are requested to pick up their children from school as soon as their classes are over.
School should be informed immediately if there is any change of address and telephone number.
Students are strictly forbidden to bring cassettes, DVDs, VCDs, CDs, cameras, mobile phones, cosmetic, make-up accessories, jewellery or any other items that may hamper the academic proceedings/environment of the school. Such items under the possession of any student will be seized and never returned only at the end of the school year, after a clearance certificate has been obtained.
Students must bring their tiffin along with themselves while coming to school. Parents should not supply it later during class time.
Children spend more time of the day outside the school. Therefore outside world has a great influence on them. Parents are expected to identify and monitor the outside contact of their children so that they can’t develop any kind of slang conversation from servant or such person. This can also spread among other children. Such children pose a threat towards the school’s goodwill and therefore the student has to be expelled.
Students must abide by all the school rules and regulations and in particular must observe all safety and security measures and do nothing to compromise with their own or their fellow students’ safety and security. All students are required to behave in a manner that encourages good conduct in the school.
Attendance and Absence procedures:
Students should attend school regularly. It builds up a sense of regularity and discipline. The students should arrive on time at the school. There is a procedure for checking the latecomers. Parents’ co-operation will be much appreciated so that punctuality may be ensured.
If any student is sick or has an emergency or on advance leave, his/her parents are expected to keep contact with the class teacher and send the school diary. In addition, on return to school, the student must submit an application to the Principal.
No student can leave the school during school hours without special permission of the principal.
In order to encourage smartness, a “well-dressed award” is given from each section.
Suspension and Expulsion:
Students must refrain from the possession or use of any illegal drugs, alcohol, profane magazines or tobacco products. Failure to respect this regulation may have legal consequences resulting in immediate suspension or expulsion.
Gambling, immorality, disrespectful or profane language will not be tolerated in the school or on school grounds and can lead to suspension or expulsion.
Moreover, the Principal reserves the right to suspend or expel a student at any time if he or she falls short of fulfilling the above requirements. or for behaviour found disruptive to the general conduct of the school.
A student who has been suspended or expelled from the school has no right to enter school premises without the written permission of the principal.